Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I agree with the author of the blog “Let’s talk big, let’s talk Texas.” In this person’s post entitled Good hair vs. Baldy she talks about the governoral election between Rick Perry and Bill White. Every person’s opinions differ slightly, and you need to vote for the person whose opinions are closest to your own. Our leaders should reflect our principals.

I agree that Rick Perry has done a fairly decent job as the governor of Texas. Especially with our economy in such a mess, jobs are a big deal. Rick Perry has created 630,000 new jobs, he has more experience and he understands Texas. The writer points out that Perry is focused on important issues. She makes a good point to educate the children of illegal immigrants to give them a better future and make them less dependent on state programs. I do think she is correct to say White has a focus on things that are not top priority for Texans. I like her humor in pointing out Rick Perry has hair while Bill White is bald.

The people of Texas need somebody who will stand for them during this economic low. If Rick Perry has been a good Governor for the past decade why not keep him?

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