Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I agree with the author of the blog “Let’s talk big, let’s talk Texas.” In this person’s post entitled Good hair vs. Baldy she talks about the governoral election between Rick Perry and Bill White. Every person’s opinions differ slightly, and you need to vote for the person whose opinions are closest to your own. Our leaders should reflect our principals.

I agree that Rick Perry has done a fairly decent job as the governor of Texas. Especially with our economy in such a mess, jobs are a big deal. Rick Perry has created 630,000 new jobs, he has more experience and he understands Texas. The writer points out that Perry is focused on important issues. She makes a good point to educate the children of illegal immigrants to give them a better future and make them less dependent on state programs. I do think she is correct to say White has a focus on things that are not top priority for Texans. I like her humor in pointing out Rick Perry has hair while Bill White is bald.

The people of Texas need somebody who will stand for them during this economic low. If Rick Perry has been a good Governor for the past decade why not keep him?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Is the Health Care Bill Right for the People of Texas?

The Federal Government recently passed a health care bill, and the President of the United States has made it law. The states have mixed feelings about the new health care law. Is the new health care law in the best interest of Texas?

The new health care law is going to be expensive for Texas. Health and Human Services Executive commissioner Tom Suehs said that “the expansion of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program would cost the state twenty-seven billion dollars during the 2014 to 2023 budget years.” This new law is going to drastically impact Texas’ budget.

This new health care law is also going to raise taxes on Texans. The law is going to cost the United States approximately one trillion dollars over the next ten years. What kind of impact is this going to have on Texans? Nobody is certain yet how everything is going to work out, but it is pretty clear that everybody is going to have to pay something, even if they don’t get health insurance. Under this new law people who don’t purchase health insurance will have to pay a fine.

Texas along with twelve other states has filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the new health care law. The states involved in the lawsuit are Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Nebraska, Utah, Louisiana, Alabama, Michigan, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Washington, Idaho, and South Dakota. The Attorney General of each of those states has filed suit. The Supreme Court will have to decide on the constitutionality of this new law.

This new health care law has another flaw, manpower. Who is going to handle all the major changes that are going to come as a result of this law? It’s clear that new employees will have to be hired, but how many is not yet determined.

I believe that the federal government does not have the right to require that people buy something, and especially that they are fined if they do not purchase it. My concern is just how expensive this health care will be for Texans. I fail to see that it is in the best interest of Texas. Texas has a long history of independence and the Federal Government should not mess with Texas. I think the Federal Government should have states control health care. Each state should have the power to make decisions for its citizens without overreaching form the Federal Government.